Annual Report

Download and read our annual report and 990 tax forms below to learn more about the impact of our work in the Capital Region.

Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report

Momentum can be an elusive concept. We know we want it, but how do we get it? And more importantly, how do we keep it?

Only by approaching our work with the full expectation of success can we continually, and increasingly, move the organization forward in a meaningful and substantive way. In such a way that no single obstacle or challenge can deter our progress. Not coincidentally, that sounds a lot like momentum.

We have big plans for the coming year. We feel good about what lies ahead. We’re confident that we’re poised to make a leap forward. Why? Because we’ve got momentum.

Open the full annual report by clicking the image! Or, you can download the report below.

Past Annual Reports


The FY 2023 990 will be available soon

Our Impact In The Capital Region So Far

Homes Built

Our homes are built/rehabbed in partnership with Habitat homebuyers who purchase their homes with an affordable mortgage.

Homes Repaired

Our repair program helps homeowners preserve and restore the health and safety of their home.

Ramps Installed

Our accessibility ramp program builds independence, helping people to safely come and go from their home.

See the impact of your gift.

It takes a lot of people, money, and hard work to build a Habitat for Humanity house.

With your support, more local families can build a bright future on the foundation of a safe, decent, and affordable home.


provides 50 lbs. of nails



provides a bucket of paint



provides a kitchen sink



provides a front porch



provides exterior doors



provides home insulation

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